Thursday, January 14, 2010


I sighed as I walked back into the International House of Prayer on January 5th, I was home. I would have never guessed a year ago that this is where God would be planting me. Even through out the fall I kept thinking I was going "home", littler did I know I was already there.
God has continually asked me to trust His guidance, but through my ignorance I have lived in fear of what is to come. In this season, I have had more uncertainty than ever before and more peace. I am so confidant in the Lords guiding that there is no longer room to fear. I am confident that whatever is to come in my life will lead me closer to him and that is really all you can ever ask for.
I am encourage everyone, no matter where you find yourself, trust your Father. He is so good and He will guide you in perfect peace.

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