Thursday, February 18, 2010


The tears fell down my face as I realized how much I go after earthly things. I long for God, but I long for the things of this world too. It is the constant battle of flesh and spirit. I want more of God and I want fleshly stuff. The more I seek hunger and righteousness, the more I see the wickedness of my flesh. I see how little I truly put into my relationship with God and it breaks my heart. I cannot help but wonder what my life would be if I fully gave myself over to the Saviour of my soul. What if I truly abandon myself to Him? What would my life be like? All I know is I want my focus to be fully on Him. I want to be His and His alone. I want to let go of my dreams and desires for His. I want to fight my sinful flesh. I want to fight against myself to draw near to my Beloved. I know that it is worth it.
Lord, help me to persevere in my pursuit of You. Let me never be content where I am. Let me never settle. Give me dove's eyes for You. Become my life's obsession. Let all I am be found in You. Amen

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