Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quick Update

The last few months of my life have been a rollercoaster. There has been so many twists and turns I have not known what to do. I have struggled with feeling depressed and questioned just about every area of my life. One thing that has not changed is the consistant love of God. He has been patient and kind. He has allowed me to feel and not rushed me to be ok. He provided an amazing circle of people so full of encourgament, that I knew I was not alone. Most of all He set me free. Everything in my life is not perfect. I have make choices every day to walk in freedom and to stop the negative thoughts when they start, but I am no longer stuck in the hole of darkness. As always I can see that no matter how bad things seem we serve a very good God who will never leave or forsake us.
Never Giving Up,

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